How To Be There For Yourself During The Holidays

It’s no secret the most wonderful time of year can feel like utter chaos.

Hectic shopping sprees, last minute traveling, long visits with family, busy work schedules….  The list goes on and on as to why this time is stressful for so many. With everyone telling you to “be of good cheer” on top of all that- you may want to scream!

I’m here to tell you if you’ve ever felt this way, that’s okay- it DOESN’T make you a grinch!

You may be feeling exhausted because of all this intensity, or because you simply are giving, giving, giving… and haven’t paid any attention to yourself and YOUR OWN needs!

How can you check in with yourself amidst this holiday frenzy? 

Here’s a few ideas: 

  • First, remind yourself it’s Temporary!

    • This won’t go on forever… (Just once a year)

    • Take it one day at a time

  • Remember to stay Present

    • Throughout the day, pay attention to how your body feels and what it needs…(hot bath, glass of water, to slow down, etc).

    • Somatic exercises are very helpful in dealing with stressful situations.

  • Get enough Sleep

    • Whether it’s going to bed early or sleeping in, make sure you recover!

    • Block out time dedicated to taking a break from it all.

  • Practice Mindfulness

    • Dedicate a short period of time each day to your favorite mindful practice such as meditating, yoga, journaling, walks in nature, etc.

    • Take some time to tune into your inner experience

  • Be the Neutral Observer

    • When family dynamics start playing out, notice it from an unattached place- with neutrality and like an observer

    • You don’t ever have to react. Sometimes the best thing you can do is observe.

Give yourself the space to recenter on who you are, and what you want and need.

Then, gift yourself that! You deserve it. 

If you want support to manifest your dreams for 2021, join my FREE 20 min Masterclass to tap into your subconscious, and release any limiting beliefs holding you back!